Local Company
We are Hawaii’s local solution for marine and coastal science and resource management, founded by a group of passionate marine and fisheries scientists who call Hawaii home.
Our experienced fisheries observers and Protected Species Observers (PSOs) work at sea and shoreside to collect the data critical to support sustainable management of living marine resources.
We provide policy and regulatory compliance support for ESA, including ESA Section 7 consultations, MMPA, MSA, and NEPA. We provide early technical assistance, incidental take determinations, formal and programmatic consultations, environmental assessments and biological opinions, respond to inquiries, as well as plan and facilitate workshops and public meetings.
We provide the science to inform effective management of long-term sustainable fisheries. We conduct stock assessments and implement research and monitoring programs to obtain abundance data, biosampling, and commercial catch and effort data.
We are Hawaii’s local solution for marine and coastal science and resource management, founded by a group of passionate marine and fisheries scientists who call Hawaii home.
We offer effective and efficient solutions at competitive prices. Our prices reflect our eagerness to contribute to the conservation of natural resources within Hawaii and the Pacific Island Region, as well as our work ethic to complete the tasks in a timely manner to the satisfaction of our client.
Our team has a combined 70 years of experience in Marine Science and Fisheries in the Pacific.